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Medical Services

With our animals becoming more of a part of the family compared to just there, we start to notice changes with our pets sooner rather than later.  Since we want to keep them with us as long as possible we take them to the vet, which usually means medication, surgery, and general 'wellness' care.


Sometimes this type of care can be difficult to administer once you get home, since not every pet out there is the most cooperative when it comes to something they may not want to do.


That is where I can help!


After the initial greeting pets are a lot like kids. They wont push any buttons until they are confident they wont get in trouble for it. I’m not saying they don’t push, just that they usually wait until they really know the person.  This opening between “new person” and “Oh hey its use” gives me a bit of a leeway. I can push and do things others could not.


This is also a great option if you don’t want to, or can no longer give the medication, or do the wellness they are used to. Life throws curve balls making it difficult to give them everything you want. I can and am beyond willing to help in any way I can!


I know at the clinics you are usually given a demo on how to administer a medication, but once you get home your pet changes, or you are not 100% comfortable doing it yet. You wish you could have someone come help you learn from more than one visit. I have the capacity to teach as well as do for you. Being a technician since I was 16, there are a boatload of tricks I can teach you, as well as just walk you through how to do it. I also come to your home, where you pet is comfortable, which means they are their normal selves compared to the different animal most are at a clinic visit.


Below are just a few things that I can either preform for you, or help you learn to do in your home where you are your pet are the most comfortable!


Medical demonstrations and help with incl
ude but not limited to:        

  • Surgery recovery

  • Large surgery recovery and after surgery care such as TPLO’s, ACL’s, Etc.

  • Physical therapy

  • Surgical site care

  • Drain care

  • Medication administrations

  • Ear hematoma care

  • Abscess surgery after care

  • Injections (Insulin, Adequan, antibiotics, etc.)

  • Subcutaneous fluids

  • Topical ear and eye medication

  • Oral medications (Pills, Liquids, etc.)

  • Any other medical at home care not listed above​


Below are options of wellness care that I can demonstrate, do once, or take care of for you including keeping track and letting you know when it is due.

  • Flea and Heartworm medication administration

  • Ear Cleaning

  • Basic Ear Cleaning

  • Medicated Ear Cleaning

  • Medicated Ear Cleaning does NOT substitute for an in-hospital cleaning. When a veterinarian recommends that one be done at the hospital it is because he/she wants to see inside the ear in order to take samples for testing and diagnosis, etc.

  • ​Eye Cleaning 

  • Teeth cleaning.

This is NOT a replacement for the yearly or every other year cleaning done in the clinic. Your veterinarian is able to get under the gum line and polish which I can Not do.


Cats and co-operative don’t usually go together, Come on cat owners, you know it!

Do you not feel comfortable giving medicatio. But you would like to learn with someone who you can ask for help.


Now is the time to try with someone experienced in animal medicine!

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