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Pet Grooming

Mobile grooming is offered for any pets healthy enough to receive grooming care. This includes hair clipping, scissoring, bathing, brushing, nail trims, teeth brushing and many other options!


I have over 10 years experience grooming multiple kinds of animals including reptiles, birds, farm animals, and the average dog and cat!


All prices range from pet to pet depending on many factors including temperament, type of hair coat, grooming needed, and the size of the animal.


There are discounts available for multiple pets, or multiple services together

All options can be mixed and matched as needed for your pet




Full Body Clip – a perfect clip for owners who don’t want to maintain a lot of coat. This is also great for active dogs that go into brush, or get matted easily.



Breed specific – These clips depend on the pet, they can include a cocker cut, poodle clip, and bichon clip just to name a few.



Sanitary clip – This clip includes around the genital and anus area with male or female animals. This is a great way to keep stool from sticking on coats!



Tummy clip – this clip is great for older animals and other animals with not the best coats, the stomach is one of the first places that starts to mat.



Lion clip – This clip is mainly used with cats, it leaves the hair long on the lower part of the legs, either part or full tail and face long. The rest of the body clipped. Great for older cats who can no longer care for themselves and have matted coats that they will not let anyone brush out.



Scissor work – certain clips are all scissor work, this could also just be a small clean up, make their coat tidier.


Bath – Some animals need to be bathed routinely, and others just as needed. Not everyone wants to deal with the crazy suds, hair flying and everything else. I bring my own grooming supplies, as well as cleaning out where they were bathed, and blow dried.


Brush out – brush out can go from everything as a small Maltese puppy, to a husky who is blowing their coat. Which means there is fur Everywhere. A good undercoat brush out helps tremendously with the undercoat overload!




Basic Ear cleaning – dog and cat ears are shaped differently than humans, which is part of the reason they are more likely to get ear infections. The human ear is straight, a dogs ear on the other hand, goes down, than straight. If a dog is most likely to get ear infections routine ear cleanings are a great way to keep the vet away!


Teeth brushing – This is NOT a replacement for the yearly or every other year cleaning done in the clinic. your veterinarian is able to get under the gum line and polish which I can Not do. even just a teeth cleaning once a week can help you space out a dental from every year to every other year.


Nail trim – nail trimming is hard for a lot of pet owners, but it is an important part of grooming. Long nails can actually cause damage to the pet’s feet. The nail can also break which is painful and can cause an infection. Routine nail trims are the best way to move the nails shorter, as keep them happy!






Long Haired Pet Grooming



 - Trip Out / Clean Up After

 - Bath

 - Comb Out

 - Tummy Shave (If Needed)

 - Potty Trim

 - Pad Trim (If Needed)

 - Nail Trim

 - Ear & Eye Cleaning

 - Scissor Work (If Needed)

 - Teeth Brushing



Short Haired Pet Grooming



 - Trip Out / Clean Up After

 - Bath

 - Comb Out

 - Nail Trim

 - Ear & Eye Cleaning

 - Teeth Brushing



Old Pet Grooming – Special just for the higher aged animals! Everything is done slowly, with as little stress on joints as possible. Please be prepaired that this grooming option Does take longer for that fact.



 - Trip Out / Clean Up After

 - Bath

 - Comb Out

 - Tummy Shave (If Needed)

 - Potty Trim

 - Pad Trim (Helps older long haired pets keep better footing)

 - Nail Trim

 - Sheath Maintance if needed (Mainly for cats.)

 - Ear & Eye Cleaning

 - Begining Massage During Breaks

 - Teeth Brushing



Full Spa Day



 - Trip Out / Clean Up After

 - Bath

 - Comb Out

 - Breed or Full Body Clip

 - Potty Trim

 - Nail Trim

 - Nail Polish / Buffing

 - Ear & Eye Cleaning

 - Begining Massage During Breaks

 - Teeth Brushing

 - Decoration in Coat or Ribbons



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